Thursday, December 16, 2010

We had the first freezing rain in town

Last night, on our way home we experienced first real freezing rain this winter. While my hubby kept complaining about the difficult driving conditions, I was actually enjoying watching the cars passing by. Most cars were covered with ice chips instead of water. The reflections from those ice chips glittered randomly and looked like scattered lights dancing on the move.
By the time we got home, it rained harder. I could hear the rain drops pounding on the house windows like the sound of a summer rain storm. My hubby started to worry about the icy driving conditions the next day because the temperature would for sure drop below -10 over night at this time of the year.
To our surprise, by the time we drove out of our garage this morning, there was nothing like what we thought would be. The road was covered by a thin layer of soft snow. The sky was clear with a few stars shining here and there. No wind, no ice and no cold. Beautiful Christmas lights blink along the neighborhood houses. In fact, It was such a peaceful morning that we actually enjoyed heartily.
Freezing rain came and gone like a dream. It magically did not leave any evidence to us. Nature played a little game and it was quite fun.

1 comment:

  1. haha. U'll know what it feels like later since you got ur own car!
